
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

Got unforgettable Lessons from the Carpenter: The carpenter gave me such lessons of life which perhaps I can never forget and told me about that system and way of life which is unforgettable for me. He was merely a carpenter but his eyes were opened up after reaching the spiritual world whereas ours are still closed. This opened up eye opened my eye too, and I desire that your eyes should also open up. I questioned the spirit of carpenter that would you like to narrate some happening, rather I insisted upon it, he took a cold breathe and then started sobbing. Silence of night, quietness all around and there was only my voice and I was hearing only his voice in the spiritual world of mine, the spirit said yes! I have seen two ladies suffering a lot in their graves.

End of the mother in law performing the character of a lioness and fox: A mother in law who is soft as silk for her daughter and courteous but acts like a lioness and a fox for her daughter in law. Hearing this word from the spirit of the carpenter, I realized that it seems that this story is a very hard one for which such harsh words are being used. The spirit said that I have seen such mother in law suffer a lot who was harsh and would deny day to day affairs boldly. The words of this carpenter were simple and accent that of a villager, however the conclusion was very dangerous, the spirit was talking continuously and was saying that whoever cruel mother in law comes over here and I get to know that an old lady has come to this graveyard, I get scared , this is a fact that end of every old lady is not bad , ALLAH treats older people with lot of affection, mercy and kindness but I have seen mother in laws who are cruel vindictive and interfering, very sorrowful.

Affair of punishments with cruel mother in law: the eighth grave from mine is of such mother in law, who is punished in the morning and evening, this we see with our own eyes, humans cannot see it but we see it with our own eyes. After morning Fajar prayer a scorpion visits her, when the scorpion bites her, her body dis anti grades into small particles, this scorpion keeps on sitting with his venom, after a little while all her body particles come together and with shouts and cries again her body is formed. Again it bites and again her body is torn into pieces with her shouts, this continuous from morning till Zuhar (Afternoon prayer). After Zuhar an animal which is big in size and resembles a morsel visits her. It tears and the pieces from her body, she cannot die nor can get away from it and it continuously scratches and tears her body apart. Again her body becomes alright and this animal starts again and like this tortures her continuously till Asar then from Asar to Maghreb a snake appears which breaks her body by encircling her, when her bones break, all the graveyard habitants here it and her body becomes like powder and bones fine, then from Maghreb to Isha, she is punished with fire. It so happens that small sparks hit her body and while shouting she removes hem one by one but the sparks hit on other part of the body and like this after Isha (night prayer) she is given the torture of smoke, her grave is filled with smoke and she suffocate coughs and rolls here and there while coughing, her eyes and intestines comes out and her body become s bundle of pain and all the night passes by in this pain.

Which thing can give relief from the torture of the grave? Yes this pain of hers is suspended from the Thursday night till the magrib evening of Friday or it is suspended when somebody does charity for her or does some good deed on behalf of her.

Month of spring for spirits: The spirit of the carpenter was crying rather was sobbing. Readers! I have seen many painful scenes and have heard about them but the spirit of the carpenter made my cry, for many days I could not sleep, peace left me, then I myself found a solution that I should recite Darood sharif continuously and should gift its reward to the spirits who are undergoing the torture. The spirit of carpenter further said: There is a continuous spring in the Holy month of Ramazan for every blessed spirit and condemned spirit, they are tremendously peaceful in Ramazan rather it is a desire of every spirit that Holy Ramazan should stay round the year.

Bright grave of good mother in law: Suddenly the spirit of carpenter got serious, crying ended and sobbing stopped so as breathing was stopped and said that far away from me, that particular grave (pointed towards an old and fragile grave and said) even this is a grave of a mother in law but it has always remained filled with light and has stayed fresh, the reason for this light and freshness was forgiveness, quality of being soft spoken, moderation in ways and forgiveness on mistakes, she was a poor lady, did not have money, was not generous, this lady was a patient, could not fast and did not do elaborated prayers nor was very generous, due to poverty could not go for Hajj or Umrah, just wished to do so, she died. Today, it has been 82 years to my grave, but this grave is older than me over here, since I have come over here, I have seen this grave filled with Noor (light), perfume, light, peace, happiness and success, I have seen hoors, bouquets, gifts of paradise all the time in this grave rather all the forgiven spirits go to this lady. I said, is it possible that I meet the spirit of this lady? He said! Yes, we will go right now. Walking, we went to this grave and I sat towards the right side of the grave, there was silence for some time, afterwards an old voice echoed in form of Salam (greetings), after Salam I addressed the old voice by calling her mother.

Story of forgiven mother in law narrated by herself: I asked, mother: Dear mother! This carpenter has told me many of your blessings and has talked sincerely about you, tell me something about your life spent in the living world: The old pious mother in law said that I spent my life in poverty, my forefathers were also very poor, my mother married me to an old person who was 57 years old at the time whereas my age was 18 years.

He did not have any kids, this person gave a piece of land to my parents and my parents married me to him. Poverty was over there also and over here also. Allah SWT gave me 3 sons and one daughter and merely in 9 years 3 months and 8 days my husband died.

Spent all life as a widower: I spent rest of my life as a widower, time gave me many sorrows, people would look towards me, fingers were also pointed, many nights were such, which I spent wide awake which would tease me in the memory of my old husband, I would feel that he was old but at least was there, but I never crossed the boundary of my home and did not go out.

Son got married and: This sorrow within me made my temperament rude and I became harsh, then my elder son got married in close relatives. Daughter in law was young but naughty, had a tough temperament, had anger, whom would I tell about the agony within me that how did I spent my young age all alone, still I had hopes and feelings and emotions in me, that my husband left me but I don’t know from where but I became patient.

Got wazifa from an old lady: I took all the harshness of my daughter in law politely, this struggle continued for few months and then change started coming in the temperament of my daughter in law, perhaps it was due to my prays and a wazifa which I got from an old lady, this old lady use to work in different houses of our neighborhood, once she said to me that your relationship of mother in law and daughter in law has been established only few months back, I can see boredom on your face and in your action, by making sit both of them recite all day with or without ablution   وَالَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا اَشَدُّ حُبًّا لِلہin every condition, recite hundreds, thousands of time and you will see the result within few days.

The house which was like hell now became heaven: The old lady said: I have 4 daughters in law, 3 sons in law, son in law has his own temperament and daughter in law has her own. I got this Ayat from somewhere and since I started reciting it, my house which was like hell before now became heaven. I told all my daughters in law, sons in law and sons to recite it, all of them are not recited it but few did and I myself recited it many times.

Ayat which adds sugar and butter in hearts: What to say of this Ayat as it adds sugar and butter into hearts, creates a bond of love and affection between people, creates sincerity and feeling of well being and greatness in eyes and such a relationship is established that hearts start getting closer, the old forgiven mother in law said: This worker old lady told me and my daughter in law this wazifa, daughter in law did not pay attention but I took it seriously and started reciting continuously. I was not a literate but I memorized it and since I started reciting it, my heart became clean from hatred and I became patient and soft, don’t know what is this Ayat that where there is fire of household quarrels, hatred between husband and wife, wife and husband do not like to see each other with love, sons have become like fire in house, son in law has become Izrail (Angel of death), even the hatred and quarrels amongst children are finished with this Ayat.

Treasures filled with experience: The old forgiven mother in law took a cold breath and said: Thus! If you also desire it, then make this Ayat a routine in your life. I was listening to the sweet talk; treasures filled with experience of this old forgiven mother in law and were admiring it again and again. I was thanking the old carpenter that he made me meet a heavenly soul, which heavenly soul got a glorious grave and heaven due to its courteous behavior, even though there were not many Hajj, Umrahs, charity of big amounts in her deeds but this old forgiven mother in law had patience, courteous behavior, forgiveness and was soft spoken and behind all this there was strange blessing of this Ayat of Holy Quran.

Tried out Ayat of 46 years: I further inquired from the old mother in law that how many times you must have recited this Ayat? The old mother in law said, I don’t remember but I recited this Ayat for 46 years of my life, if there was some negligence or due to some misunderstanding somebody was not happy with me, I started reciting it with this person’s imagination, I saw that if there is harshness in the temperament of my son or the way of talking of my daughter is unpleasant, I started reciting it and this recitation has always being of benefit to me and so beneficial that I got its result within few days.

This old lady gave strength to my will-power: Initially, for some time I did not get its result, I lost some hope too but the worker old lady gave me strength that by reciting it for some time ultimately you will get its benefit and result and then when you will read it to end hatred for someone, you will see its result immediately with your own eyes.

I did not desire to get separated from this spirit: I did not want to get separated from this old forgiven mother in law and I desired that this night would not end and it becomes so long that this lady keeps on talking and I keep on listening, this heavenly spirit, whenever spoke, a scent came out and to tell the truth I have never smelled such a pleasant smell in this world, nor seen nor saw.

A treasure of experiences of the old heavenly mother in law: The way, the carpenter was a package of experiences and results, meaning final outcome, similarly this old heavenly mother in law was also a huge treasure of experiences. The experiences of carpenter have their own place but the blessings of this Ayat which the old heavenly mother in law told me about was astonishing for me and astonishment was due to this reason also that spirits do not lie, spirits tell the truth and if someone happens to meet spirits then this truth and fact opens up before him. After reciting this Ayat what a great grave this old heavenly mother in law got, what an alleviated level and place she obtained. This great place, this great level and its greatness, I will tell you about afterwards. I wish that I tell more of the blessings of this Ayat which I got to know from the experiences of the old heavenly mother in law and the old carpenter. Why? I do not know about my life myself that at what moment it ends so I desire that I deliver more and more of my observations and experiences to you people (continued)

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